Experience the joy of generosity.

Thank you for your heart for the Kingdom and for partnering in our mission to lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus.

The best way to give is directly.

We spend a lot on fees from third party providers. Give directly so more goes back into the mission!

BSB: 034204
ACC: 149777

Direct Deposit

Eftpos & Cash

Give on a Sunday at one of

our giving stations.

Our Impact in 2024

Download our annual general report where we share some of the highlights experienced last year. Your giving makes a significant difference to this local church.

Take a look at some of 2024’s moments, stories and successes here.

Financial Accountability

Suncoast Church is committed to financial transparency, good governance and accountability. Suncoast financials are overseen by the Committee of Management, who meet every month, and the International Network of Churches (INC). Our financials each year are audited by PFK Australia and these reports are available at our annual general meeting or available upon request.

We are so thankful for your giving and understand it is a personal matter, therefore all information, details and figures are treated with the utmost confidence.

If you ever have any questions around Suncoast finances, please contact our accounts team at: accounts@suncoast.org.au.