- Hannah Brampton | Young Adult Pastor
“Your young adult years are some of the best - fun, adventurous, busy & full of big questions and bold moves.”
“Young Adult Connect Groups are gatherings of young adults around the Sunshine Coast to hang, eat and grow in our faith together. Happening fortnightly!
You’ll find our Young Adult community gathering for church 5pm every Sunday night. Come along for worship, an encouraging message and to connect into community.
Happening nearly every week after the 5pm Sunday service, you’ll find our young adult community hanging out over dinner. Check out our socials for the weekly location!
Three times a year we combine all our Young Adults and Young Professionals for a midweek YA Event filled with Praise & Worship, Guest Speaker & Incredible Food!
Stay tuned on socials for dates!
Get Connected!
“We believe the best way to spend these years is in community & XO Young Adults is here to help you know God, make a difference, & maximise every moment of this season!”
“Supporting, serving and safeguarding young people.”
“At the core of Red Frogs is the heart to provide direct relief from alcohol-and drug-related issues that are known to cause anxiety, suffering, distress and helplessness amongst the youth of our nation. They are the next generation of leaders, business entrepreneurs, teachers, engineers, environmentalists and parents. They are our future. ”